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March 4, 2020
Ahuwhenua Awards judges come to Ongare

Ahuwhenua Awards judges come to Ongare

It was a great experience hosting the Ahuwhenua Award judges last month. Chairman Enoka did a fantastic job explaining the workings of the orchard to Cath Kingston, Dr Bruce Campbell, Ian Scott, Koroua Abe Seymour and Sarah Luff.

We are so grateful to those who came to tautoko us. A big thank you to Hans, Turi, Rhys, Ratahi and Hamish.

Enoka explained the organic conversion in Makere block
Kura, Lynn & Pua tautoko Enoka's explanation under the cool of the vines.
Parewhati with Ian Scott
Our support crew: Hans, Turi & Rhys
View over the Enoka block and Tuapiro
Our fantastic view of Bowentown and Matakana